4 Year Old Kinder
Highgate operates a licenced 4 year old Kindergarten Program which is planned and delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher and is eligible for funding from the Victorian Government. The 4 year old kindergarten program is an integrated part of the long day care program which caters for up to 15 children each day and operates from 9am – 3.00pm.
We take pride in our professionalism and responsibility to the education of children in their kindergarten year and we aim to ensure that every child receives a year full of educational achievements, positive personal growth and fun through a high quality kindergarten program that fosters all aspects of learning and development. Each year the kindergarten program will vary as it reflects the children’s interests, community and world events and particular learning needs.
In addition to the regular centre programming (refer to educational programs) the 4 year old kindergarten will participate in the following programs that facilitate children’s learning such as;

At Highgate we plan and implement activities that support children’s development and understanding of early numeracy concepts.
- Measurement (time, big & little, high & low, full & empty etc)
- Area (top, edge, side, bottom etc)
- Shape (straight, curved, bent etc)
- Position and Direction (up, down, next to, behind etc)
- Classification (similarities & differences)
- Mass (heavy & light)
- Number Patterns (1,2,3,4,5)
- Numbers (how much, how many how long)
- Fractions (halves, quarters etc)
- Division (sharing things)

At Highgate we plan and implement activities that support children’s development and understanding of early literacy concepts.
- Learning word and letter sounds (through songs, rhymes and chants)
- Early reading (through picture books, turning pages etc)
- Drawing and scribbling (this leads to writing)
- Reading/Seeing Written Words (through books, posters, signs, logos etc)
- Telling Stories (learning about story structure)
- Writing Skills (learning writing means the same when it is read as when we wrote it)

Each child is given a chat book at the beginning of the year and will have an allocated day where they will have the opportunity to share with the group the contents of their chat book. Chat books create a strong link from home to the Centre and informs educators of the children’s current interests which can be extended upon within the program. Chat books also assist in facilitating partnerships with families and help to encourage children’s verbal communication skills, confidence when talking to others and builds a sense of pride and ownership.

As part of the kindergarten curriculum we include music and movement. These experiences are included in the planned program and are extended upon according to children’s emerging interests and needs. Music and movement is used to develop language and literacy, numeracy, physical motor skills, creativity and promotes a strong sense of identity, belonging and well-being.

During the course of the year kindergarten children will be involved in various excursions. Visitors will also be invited to the kindergarten in order to share special skills, interests or exhibits. These excursions and visitors are used to extend the children’s learning through their current interests and are offered at least once each term.

The Kindergarten has 2 iPads, a laptop and a desk top computer, in order to support their learning and project investigations. Educational computer programs are also utilised to integrate literacy and numeracy within the program.

Children are provided with an interesting variety of foods and allowed to exercise some choice in what they eat. Educators take time to eat and talk with children during mealtimes and create a sociable environment. Where possible, children get involved in food preparation and are also encouraged to assist with serving food and drinks and tidying up after the meal.

Play based learning
Highgate believes learning through play is one way children learn to make sense of the world around them. Through play, children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.