Parent Info

Highgate Early Learning Centre values people and embraces diversity, particularly the diversity of the children in our care, their families, our early childhood educators and the community. Through collaborative and effective leadership, Highgate strives each day to be a high quality provider of children’s services in line with government standards and regulations. Highgate is committed to regularly reviewing and revising our Quality Improvement Plan with regard to the National Quality Standards.

At Highgate, we believe that children’s learning and development starts from day one and that their early experiences directly impact on their future wellbeing. We believe children learn through collaboration with adults and peers, through guided participation and observations of others, as well as through individual exploration and reflection.

Highgate values parental involvement within the centre on many levels. The intention is to foster and extend the cooperative nature of the Community Managed Centre. Meaningful family engagement in children’s early learning supports not only school readiness and later academic success but fosters a strong partnership and builds on positive relationships. Parental involvement is a critical element of high-quality early care and education. 

There are many ways in which each family can become involved in Highgate these include but are not inclusive of the following;

  • Membership of the Management Committee
  • Attending working bees
  • Undertaking tasks as assigned by the Director
  • Assisting in room projects
  • Others as they arise

Other ways for parents to get involved in the Centre is to participate in various programs on offer to the children or contribute information.  There are many ways in which to do this; by writing learning stories, sharing skills or hobbies with the children and educators, contributing documents to portfolios and participating in community events.

Parents are also encouraged to join in the fun at Highgate by attending various social functions throughout the year such as detailed in the calendar of events that is emailed to all families at the commencement of the year.

Working bees significantly assist the Centre to keep maintenance and cleaning costs to a minimum.  A maintenance bond is paid by parents annually and is returned upon attending a working bee.  We encourage each family to participate in a working bee so as to ensure a clean and well-maintained environment for the children.

A capital works fee is charges on an annual basis to each family to help fund capital works and equipment replacement so that Highgate can better plan for and fund these expenditures. In addition focus will continue to be given to securing grants and funding from the Council, government departments and other organisations to help fund capital works and projects.